Saturday, March 28, 2009

Change to Nigerian Infrastructures.

What do we really need to change in Nigeria? To answer that question i believe one needs to first know what is different in Nigeria from the rest of the world.

A number of things are. But to my mind, the major one is INFRASTRUCTURE!

Our level of infrastructural development is poor. Basic things like food, water, roads and electricity are not in adequate supply. Should they be, we may have been equal or maybe surpass many countries in the world. For instance, let there be a day, in the life of Nigeria, when all roads, (i mean all roads, long distane,short, big or small) will be paved, when electricity would be in constant supply, water and food would be readily available, that day, it would become clear to the rest of the world that Barcelona, London, San Diego or Tokyo, any other city for that mater, is not created differently from Aba, Lagos or Jos.

That Nigeria is equally as good, as any other place in the world. Maybe even far better than many places because we have the added advantage of a better climate.

That day, our people will stop queueing up to be molested at foreign embassies, in their quest to acquire travel visas. They will stop celebrating or giving testimonies in their places of worship whenever they manage to secure entry visas to other countries. The world would then begin to appreciate us. They would strive to come here. They would see the opportunities that abounds in Nigeria. They would know that we have what it takes to be great. Our attitude would definitely change once we get our priorities right i have no doubt.

As Nigerians, there is also the need for us to conciously begin to adjust our attitudes. A lot needs to be done in these regards if we are to be taken seriously by anybody.

We shall get there.

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